Missio Dei Church

pursuing spiritual renewal and social good in portland through the gospel of christ



“For what I received I passed on to you as of first importance: that Christ died for our sins, that He was buried, that He was raised on the third day according to the Scriptures.”

Choose Life

Deuteronomy and Loving God In Uncharted Territory

In the biblical narrative, Deuteronomy captures a critical juncture in the life of God's people. They have fled Egypt, received the Law, and are now on the edge of the land that God promised to give them. Their great spiritual leader (Moses) delivers his final words, words that point to the many temptations they are going to face as they enter the land, particularly the temptation to veer away from loving obedience to God. Moses' grand sermon includes instruction, warning, encouragement and hope for Israel, that as they take on the life of a nation in the land, they would ultimately "choose life" (see Deuteronomy chapter 30), and resist the ever-present temptation to choose the way of death, away from communion with God. So, so much wisdom and instruction from Deuteronomy forms a foundation and background to New Testament writing (Jesus and Paul both quote from Deuteronomy frequently!), and so I'm really looking forward to spending time in this ancient book together, to see how God will convict and move us to similarly "choose life" today.

Sunday Service Times

KidsQuest and Youth Group

9:00 am

Worship Gathering

10:00 am

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